1. when

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      An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired).
      1. (in questions)
      a. cuándo
      When was the last time you cried?¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lloraste?
      A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g. The cat and the dog slept.).
      2. (relative)
      a. cuando
      I was sleeping when he got home.Estaba durmiendo cuando llegó a casa.
      b. en que
      That was the year when we bought our first apartment.Ese fue el año en que compramos nuestro primer apartamento.
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      An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired).
      1. (in questions)
      a. cuándo
      when will you come?¿cuándo vienes?
      tell me when it happeneddime cuándo ocurrió
      until when can you stay?¿hasta cuándo te puedes quedar?
      2. (colloquial)
      say when!¡dime basta!
      A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g. The cat and the dog slept.).
      3. (with time)
      a. cuando
      I had just gone to bed when the phone rangacababa de acostarme cuando sonó el teléfono
      tell me when you've finishedavísame cuando hayas terminado
      what's the good of talking when you never listen?¿de qué sirve hablarte si nunca escuchas?
      4. (whereas)
      a. cuando
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      when [wen]
      1 (in direct and indirect questions, reported speech)
      [When] in direct and indirect questions as well as after expressions of (un)certainty and doubt (e.g. [no sé]) translates as [cuándo] (with an accent) and is used with the indicative:
      when did it happen? ¿cuándo ocurrió?
      he asked me when I had seen it me preguntó cuándo lo había visto
      do you know when he died? ¿sabes cuándo murió?
      I know when it happened yo sé cuándo ocurrió
      he told me when the wedding would be me dijo cuándo sería la boda
      he told me when to come in me indicó cuándo entrar
      say when! (when serving food, drink) ¡dime cuánto!
      since when
      since when do you like or have you liked Indian food? ¿desde cuándo te gusta la comida india?
      till when? ¿hasta cuándo?
      2 (in exclamations) cuándo
      when will we learn to keep our mouths shut! ¡cuándo aprenderemos a callar la boca!
      3 (in other statements) (the time, day, moment etc) cuando
      that was when the trouble started entonces fue cuando empezaron los problemas
      that was when I realized what she had done
      Monday? that's when Ted gets back ¿el lunes? ese día es cuando vuelve Ted; that's when the programme starts a esa hora es cuando empieza el programa; 1958: that's when I was born 1958: (en) ese año nací yo; she told me about when she was in London me contó lo que le pasó cuando estuvo en Londres
      (relative use)
      If [when] follows a noun (e.g. [day], [time]) and defines the noun, translate using ([en]) [que] not [cuando]:
      (en) que
      during the time when she lived abroad durante el tiempo (en) que vivió en el extranjero; the year when you were born el año (en) que naciste; she can't remember a time when she wasn't happy no recuerda una época (en) que no fuese feliz; there are times when I wish I'd never met him hay momentos en los que desearía no haberlo conocido nunca
      on days when we haven't much to do on those rare occasions when we have guests
      If the [when] clause following a noun provides additional information which does not define or restrict the noun — in English as in Spanish commas are obligatory here — translate using [cuando]:
      some days, when we're very busy, we don't finish work till very late algunos días, cuando tenemos mucho trabajo, no acabamos hasta muy tarde
      1 (at, during or after the time that)
      As a conjunction, [when] can be translated by [cuando] (without an accent) followed by either the indicative or the subjunctive. Use the indicative when talking about the past or making general statements about the present. Use the subjunctive when the action is or was in the future:
      when I came in cuando entré; when I was young cuando era joven; he had just sat down when the phone rang acababa de sentarse cuando sonó el teléfono; everything looks nicer when the sun is shining todo está más bonito cuando brilla el sol
      I take aspirin when I have a headache
      he arrived at 8 o'clock, when traffic is at its peak llegó a las ocho en punto, en lo peor del tráfico; call me when you get there llámame cuando llegues; when the bridge is built cuando se construya el puente; you can go when we have finished puedes irte cuando hayamos terminado
      when you've read it
      he said he'd tell me when I was older dijo que me lo diría cuando fuera mayor
      If [when] + verb can be substituted by [on] + '-ing' in English and describes an action that takes place at the same time as another one or follows it very closely, you can use [al] + infinitive:
      be careful when crossing or when you cross the road ten cuidado al cruzar la calle; when he went out he saw it was raining al salir vio que estaba lloviendo; when a student at Oxford, she ... cuando era estudiante or estudiaba en Oxford ...
      he did it when a child
      my father, when young, had a fine tenor voice mi padre, de joven or cuando era joven, tenía una buena voz de tenor; when just three years old, he was ... cuando tenía solo tres años, era ...; the floor is slippery when wet el suelo resbala cuando está mojado; hardly had the film begun when there was a power cut apenas había empezado la película cuando se fue la corriente; even when aun cuando
      2 (if) si; cuando
      this sounds expensive when compared with other cars este parece caro si or cuando se compara con otros coches; how can I relax when I've got loads of things to do? ¿cómo puedo relajarme si or cuando tengo montones de cosas que hacer?; I wouldn't walk when I could get the bus no iría a pie si pudiese tomar el autobús
      how can I be self-confident when I look like this? how can you understand when you won't listen? what's the good of trying when I know I can't do it?
      3 (whereas) cuando
      he thought he was recovering, when in fact ... pensaba que se estaba recuperando, cuando de hecho ...; she made us study when all we wanted to do was play nos hacía estudiar cuando lo único que queríamos hacer era jugar
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